After conceiving our first pregnancy naturally in late 2000 we were overjoyed. Sadly we miscarried at 11 weeks pregnant. Our next pregnancy was early in 2007. Again, we were overjoyed. Sadly that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 10.5 weeks. No-one ever mentioned to us about Acupuncture.

We spent the next 2 years trying to get pregnant. After 2 years we figured we probably needed some help. We went to see an infertility specialist at the end of 2008. We spent most of 2009 doing various fertility options—we did Clomid, numerous timed intercourse and IUI’s. Finally we were told that IVF was our only option to have our family. We did IVF in early 2010. They transferred all of the 3 eggs we had, and we waited. The longest 2 week wait ever! It didn’t work. We were devastated. While we were taking some time off, we did a lot of looking on the internet. We read a very interesting article on doing Acupuncture while doing IVF. When the chance to do IVF became an option for us again we asked our IVF doctor if she recommended doing Acupuncture while doing IVF. She said yes, and gave us Lynn’s number. So, we started doing Acupuncture with Lynn. She made some good suggestions to us, which we followed. We are currently 25 weeks pregnant with our daughter! Lynn recommended doing Acupuncture weekly during the first trimester, then bi-weekly throughout the rest of our pregnancy, as our history of miscarriage was high. I can honestly say that doing Acupuncture has had a positive effect on our pregnancy. I experienced no morning sickness, minimal heartburn, and more importantly, we are still pregnant!! We are loving every minute of the experience, and we couldn’t thank Lynn enough. I guess to sum it up, we did IVF and didn’t do Acupuncture and it didn’t work. Then, we did IVF whilst doing Acupuncture and here we are, pregnant!

-Mia Carla

After our first invitro fertilization (IVF) failed, my husband and I were devastated. The Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) was just as surprised as we were, because our cycle went very well. Being so absorbed in the infertility process, I did a lot of research to find how to increase our IVF success rate. There were many articles, including medical journals that discussed how fertility acupuncture did increase the chances of conception when the acupuncturist’s treatment plan was followed.

I found Lynn Almloff via the internet and she was so kind to answer all of my questions on a Saturday morning. I assumed I would just leave a message. During my first appointment, it was quite obvious that she had a lot of experience treating male and female infertility. During the appointments, she was always pleasant and very hygiene conscious. At every appointment she made time to talk about how I was doing, both emotionally and physically, as she understood the many stressors that go along with IVF.

I attribute my successful IVF mainly to the acupuncture treatments. Lynn has been an important part of our lives and will always be remembered as an integral part of getting me pregnant.

-Debbie J.

After three years of trying to conceive, and undergoing multiple medical procedures, including a failed IVF attempt, I saw a brochure on the use of acupuncture to assist with fertility. I decided to contact Lynn Almloff, and from the first moment I met her, I was impressed with her knowledge and experience. She is extremely professional and yet is able to exhibit a very compassionate and caring nature. When I started treatment, I was already scheduled for my second IVF cycle. During the second cycle, both the number of eggs retrieved and the number of eggs fertilized increased, and the quality of my uterine lining improved. And most importantly, I got pregnant! In addition to getting pregnant, my immune system is much stronger. I no longer have to take the 3-4 medications that I used to rely on for allergies and asthma. Now, the only pill I take is a prenatal vitamin. My pregnancy thus far has been without complications and I have not been bothered by nausea or overwhelming fatigue as many pregnant women are. I continue to see Lynn on a weekly basis and she has been able to reduce the typical symptoms of pregnancy. I wouldn’t hesitate to see Lynn for treatment of any medical issue I have in the future. I highly recommend her.


My husband and I had tried for three long, emotionally trying years to conceive a child. After many failed attempts, we decided to pursue invitro fertilization (IVF). Our initial attempt was devastatingly disappointing; we resolved to try again. I had read several magazine articles and seen a television program about the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture during an IVF cycle and decided to give it a try. Lynn’s approach to my situation was holistic, encompassing not only acupuncture but relaxation, meditation and lifestyle changes as well. As my treatments progressed, I noticed a distinct change in my levels of vigor and energy. I also found that I was much more optimistic about the entire process. Gone were the gut wrenching fears of failure and the despair that was sure to follow. I was significantly less tense. I went into my second IVF cycle with a remarkable sense of calm and well being. I am now expecting and believe that Lynn’s therapy played a vital role in making this miracle possible. As an added benefit, Lynn performed a few procedures at the beginning of my treatment to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. They have worked brilliantly thus far: I have not suffered morning sickness yet!

-Jenny P., Family Nurse Practioner

Back in 2003, my husband and I found that we were not able to have children without fertility assistance. After 5 failed IUI’s and 1 failed IVF, I began doing research for alternative methods for boosting fertility. To my surprise I found numerous medical journals that stated acupuncture increases fertility.

I looked up fertility and acupuncture on the internet and Lynn Almloff’s practice was cited. I called her and set up an appointment. I was very impressed at her up to date knowledge of IVF/fertility procedures. She was very thorough about what acupuncture was and what I could expect to feel. I was a little nervous as I had never been to an acupuncturist before. She did tell me that it was very important to follow her fertility protocol. With my second IVF, I did just what she suggested and became pregnant. Unfortunately, my baby was not healthy and I had a miscarriage.

After the miscarriage, my reproductive endocrinologist diagnosed me with atypical polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and placed me on Metformin.

A few months before I started IVF #3, I began acupuncture again and followed Lynn’s treatment plan as she suggested. To my surprise, I became pregnant without any IVF treatments! I believe that the acupuncture is what helped me get pregnant on my own.

I am currently 8 months pregnant and we look forward to Lynn meeting our son she helped us conceive!


For the past two years, my husband and I have been trying to conceive a child. We have tried several different fertility methods in our quest to become parents. These methods have included three separate cycles of invitro fertilization which sadly, were unsuccessful. On our fourth and final attempt, we decided to add acupuncture to the process and I started visiting Lynn Almloff. I had read articles that proclaimed that the process IVF is extremely stressful both emotionally and physically, and this stress can be managed and reduced with the help of acupuncture. Lynn helped me understand my body and the changes that it was going through better. Armed with this knowledge and with her assistance, I learned to relax. I would recommend that any couple going through any type of infertility treatment give acupuncture the chance that it deserves. Thankfully, we were able to conceive on our final try at IVF and we are expecting in June of 2005.

Sincerely and gratefully yours,

-Wayne & Stephanie H.

I want to pass on my sincere appreciation and belief in Lynn Almloff and the power of her miraculous acupuncture and herbal treatment. I am a 33 year old nurse who had experienced over ten years of menstrual misery. My periods were ten days long and the majority of those days I suffered in severe uterine, ovarian, rectal and bladder pain with intense bleeding. For years, my belief was that because I was single, I didn’t let the pain get too much in the way of my lifestyle… I still had 20 days to be thankful for. I didn’t see a need to take hormones or undergo any type of surgery to find out why I was in such unbelievable pain.

Then, at 31 years old, I got married and started trying to get pregnant in January 2005. After more than a year of trying, my husband and I decided to seek advice from a gynecologist in February 2005. He ordered an HSG and discovered that I had a blocked right fallopian tube. He immediately sent me to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE). The RE and I decided to undergo a laparoscopy in April 2006 and was diagnosed with stage IV endometriosis. The RE who performed the laparoscopy told me that women with that severity of endometriosis normally undergo a hysterectomy because of the severe pain and bleeding. Needless to say, I was devastated and we were immediately directed to invitro fertilization (IVF) as our only hope for a baby.

After doing extensive research, I learned that women with stage IV endometriosis needed to undergo 2 or 3 cycles of IVF before achieving a successful pregnancy. Afraid of undergoing more than one cycle, I was determined to find a way to enhance IVF by making myself an optimal IVF candidate/recipient. I read about ways to increase blood flow to the uterus, relax my body and hormones, and increase my egg production by undergoing acupuncture. I was skeptical but desperate to try something on my own to increase my chances of a successful one-time IVF pregnancy.

In May 2006, I met Lynn who immediately learned everything there is to know about me, including my situational depression. She informed me that she would like to treat my endometriosis and depression first. Then, she would move on to prepare my uterus, ovaries and body for IVF. She advised about proper exercise, decreasing stress, eating the appropriate food, and increasing my water intake. She recommended I see her once a week until my IVF cycle in July. I thought she was amazing and felt hopeful after only our first meeting.

My husband and I discussed the cost of treatment and the difficult hour one-way drive. IVF was already expensive, but we thought if we could just do something to increase our chances; it would be worth it!

After only 3 treatments of acupuncture, changes had already taken place in my body. My period was lighter and lasted only 5 days. More importantly, the pain was less severe!

In early June 2006, I learned that my package for IVF was incomplete and therefore was pushed to the November cycle. In tears, Lynn was the perfect friend. She consoled me and allowed me to vent my frustrations. She encouraged me to accept the situation and press-on with acupuncture to make my body stronger for IVF. Again, she gave me hope and assured me that there was light at the end of the tunnel. From mid-June to the end of July 2006, she prescribed Chinese herbs to “breakdown” my endometriosis. Consulting one of the IVF docs, I was approved to take the herbs as long as there was a month between taking the herbs and starting IVF medication.

In August 2006, after two months of herbs and 17 acupuncture treatments, I really felt like a “normal” woman with light, tolerable periods. I felt so encouraged and strong that I wanted to try a natural pregnancy for two months before starting IVF. After a disappointing August, my husband and I accepted that September was going to be the same. Then, on September 25th my husband reminded me that I needed to take my prescribed birth control pills needed for the IVF on the second day of my period. Wait a minute! I was supposed to get my period a few days ago! What happened to my period? Four positive pregnancy tests later, we couldn’t believe it. We are miraculously pregnant! The ultrasound revealed a normal intrauterine pregnancy with a strong heartbeat!

We firmly believe that God worked through the power of Lynn’s hands, heart and TLC. Lynn has been our angel on earth. Both acupuncture and traditional herbal treatments were keys to creating a healthy environment for an optimal pregnancy. I am currently in my second trimester and am feeling strong. I saw Lynn weekly for the first trimester and experienced no nausea or vomiting! Since acupuncture has worked so well for me, my husband and I decided to see Lynn until after the baby is born. There are not enough words to express how we feel about Lynn and her practice. Hopefully this testimonial will help you decide to give acupuncture a chance.


After three years of trying to conceive a child and numerous failed intrauterine inseminations, it became clear that we would likely require invitro fertilization if my husband and I were ever to realize our dream of having a child of our own. I was fearful that the IVF would not work for us. We also knew that given the expense of IVF, if it didn’t work the first time, we would likely have to wait a year before attempting a second cycle. In an attempt to maximize our chances of conceiving with the first IVF cycle, I began to do research on what I could do to increase our chance of conception. After reviewing several medical studies, I learned that acupuncture increases a woman’s chance of conception during her first IVF cycle by up to 70%. My reproductive endocrinologist told me that she believed based on her years of experience that acupuncture can dramatically increase the chances of conception for any given IVF cycle. After searching for a qualified and experienced acupuncturist, I found Lynn Almloff.

I waited six months before attempting my first IVF cycle. Lynn worked very closely with me over those six months and made my fertility a top priority, but also gave me treatments that supported my general health and well being. By the time my husband and I underwent our first IVF cycle in April of 2006, I could tell the difference. My menstrual cycles were more regular and I had more energy and felt better generally. Lynn was extremely supportive in many ways throughout the very stressful process of undergoing an IVF cycle.

I am overjoyed to report that the first IVF cycle was a success. We are now the proud parents of a perfect baby boy that was born December 28, 2006. I firmly believe that acupuncture played a significant role in helping us to conceive during out first IVF cycle. Thank you so much Lynn!!


Dear Lynn,

Words cannot express how I feel about all you have done for me. Before I came to see you I’d been to see a reproductive endocrinologist and had test after test performed. My RE informed me that my husband and I had less than a ten percent chance of conceiving naturally because of a partially blocked fallopian tube caused by my cancer surgery 12 years ago. He recommended in-vitro fertilization. My husband and I resigned ourselves to the physical, emotional and financial stress of IVF and I met with you to prepare my body for the ordeal. I thought that if my doctor was so pessimistic about my prognosis, why should I feel positively about it?

From the moment we first spoke I felt at ease with you and reassured by my decision to pursue acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture was not an area with which I had been at all familiar and I greatly appreciated the time you took to explain how it worked and how we would begin. The treatments were always so relaxing! After working all day and driving over an hour to your office from work (in horrible traffic), I always looked forward to leaving the stress behind me and entering the tranquil environment you designed for your clients.

After very few weeks of acupuncture treatments (with IVF as my goal) you can imagine my astonishment when I learned I was pregnant. My husband and I were overwhelmed with joy! Not only did I never undergo IVF (saving a lot of time, money and heartache) but I also became pregnant far sooner than I ever expected to. I can’t thank you enough!

Throughout my pregnancy you helped me with fatigue, nausea and all of the other less than pleasant physical ailments that pregnant women experience. Every week I looked forward to my acupuncture treatments. Now my husband and I are raising a beautiful, healthy and (usually) happy baby girl. You helped me achieve the greatest joy I have ever experienced. I feel truly blessed!

I think it is very important for women who are experiencing fertility problems to seriously consider acupuncture. I highly recommend you to people in the DC and Virginia Beach areas (and to all of my family regardless of where they live). I would love to bring Maddie to meet you soon!


After a heartbreaking ectopic pregnancy that ended in emergency surgery, and left me with only 1 fallopian tube, my husband and I tried for almost 2 years to get pregnant again. After 2 months of disappointing negative pregnancy tests, I had a test done on my one remaining fallopian tube, and found out that it was totally blocked. The doctor told me that my best chance for having a baby would be the IVF procedure. In April of 2006, I underwent my first IVF treatment, which did not result in a pregnancy, again heartbroken. So I did more research on what could help prepare my body for the next IVF cycle. That is when I read about acupuncture and the success that it has had with people going through IVF, and other fertility treatments. I then began looking for a local acupuncturist that specialized in infertility, which is when I found Lynn. Although I was scared about the thought of needles being put into all different places on my body, the want to have a family of my own was much stronger than the thought of a few seconds of pain from a needle. Much to my surprise, it was not at all painful and was actually surprisingly relaxing, I think I fell asleep at every appointment. I was signed up to start IVF cycle #2 in August 2006, so I immediately called Lynn and scheduled my 1st appointment with her in early June. I went to see her every week up until I left for Walter Reed. The results were totally amazing. With my 1st IVF they were only able to retrieve 6 eggs, 5 were mature, only 3 fertilized and only 1 was good enough to make it to transfer day. After about 8 weeks of acupuncture with the 2nd IVF they retrieved 10 eggs, 9 were mature, 9 fertilized and all 9 made it to transfer day. They transferred 2 eggs and were able to freeze 2 other eggs for future use. Those numbers were just totally amazing to me. I am happy to say that I am entering my 2nd trimester and am expecting my TWINS in early May 2007. I continued to see Lynn through my 1st trimester and it really helped with all of the pregnancy side effects, like nausea and sleepiness, and again was totally relaxing. My family was so impressed with what acupuncture had done for me that my mother is seeing an acupuncturist for arthritis in her knee, and my sister will be starting soon for treatment of migraines. I owe so much to Lynn for helping our dream of a family come true. She will be one of the first ones I send a picture of the twins to when they arrive. Thanks Lynn!!


Thank you both so much for the wonderful treatment I received while undergoing the in-vitro fertilization procedure. I know I would have not made it through so easily without you both. I am confident that the baby I am carrying is partly due to my thorough treatment there. Again, Thank you and Blessings!


I’ve been seeing Dr. Almloff for several months now in preparation for IVF and have nothing but good things to say. While helping to physically prepare my body for implantation, 5 months of weekly-biweekly sessions has improved my mental and emotional well beings as an added bonus. I suffer from anxiety which I strongly believe is at the core of my fertility issues. I recommend Dr. Almloff to anyone seeking a holistic approach to whatever their condition may be (anxiety, allergies, chronic pain etc.), but especially to women with similar struggles to mine. Dr. Almloff can provide you with emotional support your fertility doctors cannot.
