After many disappointments, 43 year old has healthy baby after Lynn’s acupuncture therapy!” I am one of those women who wanted to make sure that my career was set before settling down and having a family. It took me a bit longer than I thought to find that special man—he actually found me. We married when I was 40 and I had fertility problems from the start. I had tried clomid with IUI 6 times and one failed IVF cycle while living in Washington, DC. I saw Lynn soon after moving to the Hampton Roads area for fertility and conceived naturally after approximately 2 treatments. I became very ill after the first three months and Lynn’s treatment helped me through that pain. Unfortunately, at 5 months pregnant we discovered our baby had Trisomy 13 and she did not make it. After that terrible experience, I decided that I needed to do a complete body cleanse to get all of the medication and general gunk out of my body so that I was as healthy as possible for the next try. I completed the 6 week body cleanse recommended by Lynn. I was now coming up on age 43 and tried another IVF cycle. We had another failure. Still not giving up, I cleansed again to get the hormones and drugs out of my system from the IVF along with continuing treatment from Lynn. In August of 2007 at age 43, we conceived naturally again. I continued to receive treatment from Lynn during the first trimester and then as needed. I delivered a healthy baby!! Our dreams came true with the most precious gift of all!!
But for perseverance, positive attitude and Lynn’s acupuncture treatments, cleansing guidance, and encouragement, I know that a healthy pregnancy would not have been possible! The best advice I can give to women who have waited for that special time to have children is that acupuncture can encourage our bodies so set in its ways to remember how it should work. Lynn knows how to coax our bodies into baby making mode!!