After three years of trying to conceive, and undergoing multiple medical procedures, including a failed IVF attempt, I saw a brochure on the use of acupuncture to assist with fertility. I decided to contact Lynn Almloff, and from the first moment I met her, I was impressed with her knowledge and experience. She is extremely professional and yet is able to exhibit a very compassionate and caring nature. When I started treatment, I was already scheduled for my second IVF cycle. During the second cycle, both the number of eggs retrieved and the number of eggs fertilized increased, and the quality of my uterine lining improved. And most importantly, I got pregnant! In addition to getting pregnant, my immune system is much stronger. I no longer have to take the 3-4 medications that I used to rely on for allergies and asthma. Now, the only pill I take is a prenatal vitamin. My pregnancy thus far has been without complications and I have not been bothered by nausea or overwhelming fatigue as many pregnant women are. I continue to see Lynn on a weekly basis and she has been able to reduce the typical symptoms of pregnancy. I wouldn’t hesitate to see Lynn for treatment of any medical issue I have in the future. I highly recommend her.


I feel like a whole new person again. When I started to see Lynn I was constipated and tired with no energy whatsoever. After just a couple of sessions I was amazed at the changes that I saw and felt. I started having regular bowel movements daily instead of twice a week. Instead of going home and crashing on the couch because I was too tired to do anything, I started to walk after work and still had energy after the walk. Instead of being in bed at 9:00 because I was totally exhausted I’m now up until 11:00 or later. Now after a couple of months my weight is starting to come off, the energy level is higher than it has been in years and I feel like a new person and know it’s all because of the great work Lynn does.

-Beth V.

Lynn Almloff is the reason I can wake bright and early and make it through my day. When I found myself on her doorstep, I was sleeping 16 hours per day with a dry, persistent cough, as well as other symptoms that had crowded in. I had been to a few medical Doctors who claimed they could find nothing wrong. I felt like they couldn’t hear me. Lynn sat with me a long while, asking about my condition, what led up to it etc. After the very first treatment and a week of herbs the cough was gone! By the end of 10 treatments I was on my feet and finding my energy and balance in my life for the first time in years. I credit Lynn’s compassionate treatments with saving my life, and at the very least rekindling my will to get up and get going again.

-Jo Ann

When I began acupuncture and TCM treatment with Lynn Almloff I was suffering with fibromyalgia, chronic neck pain, sciatica and restless leg syndrome leading to sleep deprivation and chronic fatigue.

After 2.5 months of weekly treatment I was able to discontinue medications for sleep and restless leg syndrome. I now sleep well and no longer suffer with restless leg syndrome. As a result I have twice the amount of energy than when I began treatment.

I no longer suffer with chronic neck pain, unless I have done an activity to aggravate my neck. The sciatica has gone away.

I have found that by following Lynn’s recommended treatment plan that I have enjoyed great results. However, missing treatments has resulted in a few setbacks that are resolved when I get back on track with my treatment schedule.

Acupuncture has greatly improved my overall health. I have a sense of well being as well. I have learned from Lynn that the mind, body and spirit are all connected and that the body cannot be treated alone.


After a heartbreaking ectopic pregnancy that ended in emergency surgery, and left me with only 1 fallopian tube, my husband and I tried for almost 2 years to get pregnant again. After 2 months of disappointing negative pregnancy tests, I had a test done on my one remaining fallopian tube, and found out that it was totally blocked. The doctor told me that my best chance for having a baby would be the IVF procedure. In April of 2006, I underwent my first IVF treatment, which did not result in a pregnancy, again heartbroken. So I did more research on what could help prepare my body for the next IVF cycle. That is when I read about acupuncture and the success that it has had with people going thru IVF, and other fertility treatments. I then began looking for a local acupuncturist that specialized in infertility, which is when I found Lynn. Although I was scared about the thought of needles being put into all different places on my body, the want to have a family of my own was much stronger than the thought of a few seconds of pain from a needle. Much to my surprise, it was not at all painful and was actually surprisingly relaxing, I think I fell asleep at every appointment. I was signed up to start IVF cycle #2 in August 2006, so I immediately called Lynn and scheduled my 1st appointment with her in early June. I went to see her every week up until I left for Walter Reed. The results were totally amazing. With my first IVF they were only able to retrieve 6 eggs, 5 were mature, only 3 fertilized and only 1 was good enough to make it to transfer day. After about 8 weeks of acupuncture with the 2nd IVF they retrieved 10 eggs, 9 were mature, 9 fertilized and all 9 made it to transfer day. They transferred 2 eggs and were able to freeze 2 other eggs for future use. Those numbers were just totally amazing to me. I am happy to say that I am entering my 2nd trimester and am expecting my TWINS in early May 2007. I continued to see Lynn through my 1st trimester and it really helped with all of the pregnancy side effects, like nausea and sleepiness, and again was totally relaxing. My family was so impressed with what acupuncture had done for me that my mother is seeing an acupuncturist for arthritis in her knee, and my sister will be starting soon for treatment of migraines. I owe so much to Lynn for helping our dream of a family come true. She will be one of the first ones I send a picture of the twins to when they arrive. Thanks Lynn!!


Dear Lynn,

Words cannot express how I feel about all you have done for me. Before I came to see you I’d been to see a reproductive endocrinologist and had test after test performed. My RE informed me that my husband and I had less than a ten percent chance of conceiving naturally because of a partially blocked fallopian tube caused by my cancer surgery 12 years ago. He recommended in-vitro fertilization. My husband and I resigned ourselves to the physical, emotional and financial stress of IVF and I met with you to prepare my body for the ordeal. I thought that if my doctor was so pessimistic about my prognosis, why should I feel positively about it?

From the moment we first spoke I felt at ease with you and reassured by my decision to pursue acupuncture treatments. Acupuncture was not an area with which I had been at all familiar and I greatly appreciated the time you took to explain how it worked and how we would begin. The treatments were always so relaxing! After working all day and driving over an hour to your office from work (in horrible traffic), I always looked forward to leaving the stress behind me and entering the tranquil environment you designed for your clients.

After very few weeks of acupuncture treatments (with IVF as my goal) you can imagine my astonishment when I learned I was pregnant. My husband and I were overwhelmed with joy! Not only did I never undergo IVF (saving a lot of time, money and heartache) but I also became pregnant far sooner than I ever expected to. I can’t thank you enough!

Throughout my pregnancy you helped me with fatigue, nausea and all of the other less than pleasant physical ailments that pregnant women experience. Every week I looked forward to my acupuncture treatments. Now my husband and I are raising a beautiful, healthy and (usually) happy baby girl. You helped me achieve the greatest joy I have ever experienced. I feel truly blessed!

I think it is very important for women who are experiencing fertility problems to seriously consider acupuncture. I highly recommend you to people in the DC and Virginia Beach areas (and to all of my family regardless of where they live). I would love to bring Maddie to meet you soon!
